FMCAD 2010
Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design
Lugano, Switzerland
October 20 - 23
Warren Hunt - Verification of the VIA (Centaur) Nano Microprocessor
using the ACL2 Theorem-Proving System
We describe our use of the ACL2 theorem-proving system
for formally verifying properties of the VIA Nano
microprocessor. To validate Nano circuit models, we
translate the Nano Verilog into in our formally defined
HDL. We write specifications in the ACL2 logic, and
mechanically verify HDL descriptions using a
combination of automated and theorem-proving
techniques. Using the ACL2 theorem prover, we
orchestrate the use of BDDs, AIGs, SAT, and symbolic
simulations techniques. Our system has been integrated
into the Centaur design toolflow; this includes rapid
and regular translation of the Nano design into our
framework and daily regression runs.